Home School Partnership

We strongly believe in working in partnership with parents and pupils in our attempt to provide a quality education for every child in our School. Everyone’s responsibilities are clearly identified within the Home School Partnership Agreement, which all parties are expected to sign as an act of commitment when a child starts at the School.
The Henlow Home School Partnership Agreement
As staff at Henlow Academy we will aim to:
  • Provide a welcoming, caring environment for children and their parents
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet individual needs
  • Set high standards for achievement and behaviour
  • Provide learning opportunities which develop the full potential of each individual child
  • Keep you and your child informed about his/her performance and progress, and any problems that may occur
  • Respond as promptly and effectively as possible to your queries or concerns
  • Keep you regularly informed about general school matters

As a parent I will aim to:
  • Complement the work of the School with helpful and supportive attitudes
  • Take an active interest in the School and my child’s education
  • Work with the School to help my child develop maturity, self discipline and confidence
  • Inform the School about any concerns I may have, or problems which may affect my child’s work or behaviour
  • Ensure that my child attends School regularly, on time, with the correct uniform and properly equipped
  • Support my child in set homework and other home learning opportunities
  • Support and co-operate fully with the School in enforcing the Code of Behaviour, and any sanctions or punishments that may be necessary

As a pupil I will aim to:
  • Do my best to improve in all activities
  • Comply with the School’s Code of Behaviour
  • Take responsibility for my own actions, including getting myself to school and lessons on time, correctly dressed and properly equipped
  • Behave sensibly and with consideration for others on my way to and from, and within school.
 "Pupils' behaviour during lessons and at social times is impeccable."
Ofsted 2018

"Pupils behaviour is excellent."
SIAMS 2017